Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CORE Group: Week 1!

Hi Folks!!

Well this past Sunday, we kicked off our first campus life group!!! Going into this week, I was a little nervous because, I had no clue who was going to show up, and if any of my softball girls were even interested at that! However, God had other plans, and lots of my girls showed up!! :))

At the start of this school year, I started volunteering with the softball team. As most of you know, I have been playing softball my whole entire life and I am still passionate about this sport today! Once I started helping out with the team, the girls began to trust me as I started helping them with their batting techniques, how to bunt the ball and even how to field the right way. As i was helping them, they were open to talking with me about who they are and just where they are at in their life. After long bus rides, practices in the crazy heat and many games, I can finally say that I have formed such a strong relationship with these girls.

Once I started to form these relationships, these girls asked me what I do for a living and I told them all about Youth for Christ... Once they asked me this.. it gave me an opportunity to talk to them about our Campus Life Groups! Since the beginning of this month, God has opened many doors for this ministry to take place! I found a host home where we will hold campus life groups every week... I have found a solid group of girls who want to know more about God and who he is in their life.. as well as how they can personally reach their friends for Christ.

Listening to my girls talk about their goals on Sunday what they want Campus Life Groups to look like.... they began to talk about our main goals for them at YFC. They want to know God in such a deep way that it does become their lifestyle, but more so, they want to be a light to their friends... I am filled with JOY to talk about my girls. I am proud of them, but most of all, I am thankful that God has given them to me! :)

Without you, this ministry wouldn't happen... I wouldn't know these girls, I wouldn't be able to journey with them.. and I wouldn't be able to help make a difference in their lives. SO from the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting this ministry. Each of you are helping push back darkness!

Love you all,
Chelsie B.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" -1 Peter 5: 6-7


  1. I didn't know that you were doing this ministry, but, as always, you have my support! I'll be praying for you and the girls but I will especially pray for God to do a mighty work there! Love you, Miss Chelsie!

  2. Lori,
    thank you so much! Miss and love you
